Thursday, May 26, 2011

CD Back Cover

This is the remaining half of our CD cover project. On the back of the cover we had to include ten song titles, the publishing company, and text on the CD spines. I also included a barcode and anti-piracy warning. Again, I used the cut out filter on the three pictures on this back cover.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CD Front

For this project, we had to create the front of a CD cover of our choice. As part of the assignment, we had to use filters and a total of five pictures on the whole cover. I used the cutout filter under the artistic category.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Magazine Cover

For this project, we had to make the cover of a magazine we could be featured on in 10 years. Our goal was to be able to design the cover after writing a brief - to turn our idea into the real thing. I tried to imitate the style of Better Homes and Gardens magazine using Photoshop and Illustrator skills. We used the pictures we took against a white background and used skills we have been practicing on other projects to "Photoshop" ourselves. Then we made each element of the magazine and combined them for the finished product.