Monday, February 28, 2011

This is our El Camino Real High School Thespians handout. The purpose of this assignment was to learn about picture resolution. We also used the crop and marquee tools in this project.

Zoo Postcard

This is our Los Angeles Zoo postcard. The purpose of this assignment was to learn how to correctly size pictures using the measurements from our roughs. We also downloaded fonts and focused on picture resolution.

Commodities Postcard

This is our Commodities to Culture postcard. The goal of this project was to learn when to use the various selection tools. We also became more familiar with the marquee tool, cropping, and being aware of resolution.

Annual Cover

This is an Annual Cover for Life 4 Paws. The goal of this project was to learn how to combine multiple pictures in one project. We used quick-mask with a radial gradient to select pictures in Photoshop and dragged them into our main file.