Thursday, May 26, 2011

CD Back Cover

This is the remaining half of our CD cover project. On the back of the cover we had to include ten song titles, the publishing company, and text on the CD spines. I also included a barcode and anti-piracy warning. Again, I used the cut out filter on the three pictures on this back cover.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CD Front

For this project, we had to create the front of a CD cover of our choice. As part of the assignment, we had to use filters and a total of five pictures on the whole cover. I used the cutout filter under the artistic category.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Magazine Cover

For this project, we had to make the cover of a magazine we could be featured on in 10 years. Our goal was to be able to design the cover after writing a brief - to turn our idea into the real thing. I tried to imitate the style of Better Homes and Gardens magazine using Photoshop and Illustrator skills. We used the pictures we took against a white background and used skills we have been practicing on other projects to "Photoshop" ourselves. Then we made each element of the magazine and combined them for the finished product.

Friday, April 15, 2011

This is our photo restoration project. We used hue and saturation to add color to the picture. I used the brush and marquee tool. The hue and saturation are separate layers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Grandfather: Black & White

This is our dear old grandfather photo repair project. We used the healing tool and patch tools to repair dust and the crease. We also used the these tools to fix the reins. We lightened the picture using levels. We also repaired his eye with the marquee tool.

Perfect Skin

This is our perfect skin photo repair project. We used the patch tool and a curves layer to remove glare and the healing tool to fix any blemishes. We used a Guassian blur to make her skin look smother and erased areas where we wanted detail to show through. After those changes, we made adjustment layers to add eyeshadow, change her lip color, and intensify her eye color.

Monday, April 4, 2011

This is our second handsome man project. With this fix, we used hue and saturation in a separate transparent layer to brighten his eyes and give his lips a little more color. We also darkened the background in this way. In addition we used the patch tool to lessen his wrinkles and the healing tool to fix any blemishes.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is our handsome guy. In this project we learned how to use the healing tool to remove wrinkles and blemishes. We used hue and saturation to brighten his eyes and lighten his teeth(after selecting them with the marquee tool and the brush tool). I also brightened the color of his shirt after selecting it with the pen tool.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The purpose of this project was to fix this picture. The tools we used in this assignment were the stamp tool, the patch tool, and the horizontal type mask tool.
This is a poster for the El Camino Real High School musical, Bat Boy. The goal of the project was to create a poster that resembled a magazine such as the National Enquirer, with outrageous stories and images. Skills used in this project include designing to meet a client's desires and selecting and combining multiple images to make one picture.

Monday, February 28, 2011

This is our El Camino Real High School Thespians handout. The purpose of this assignment was to learn about picture resolution. We also used the crop and marquee tools in this project.

Zoo Postcard

This is our Los Angeles Zoo postcard. The purpose of this assignment was to learn how to correctly size pictures using the measurements from our roughs. We also downloaded fonts and focused on picture resolution.

Commodities Postcard

This is our Commodities to Culture postcard. The goal of this project was to learn when to use the various selection tools. We also became more familiar with the marquee tool, cropping, and being aware of resolution.

Annual Cover

This is an Annual Cover for Life 4 Paws. The goal of this project was to learn how to combine multiple pictures in one project. We used quick-mask with a radial gradient to select pictures in Photoshop and dragged them into our main file.